2022 Annual Spring Conference of the Third Circuit Judges' Association

The 2022 Annual Spring Third Circuit Judges’ conference is scheduled at the Chateau Saint Denis Hotel in downtown Natchitoches Louisiana. The conference will offer CLE hours, a Thursday evening Cocktail Party at the Steal Magnolia House, Friday afternoon golfing, a Friday night catered dinner, and the camaraderie typically associated with the annual meeting. The Conference fee is $225.00 ($125.00 for retirees), which includes registration, Thursday evening Cocktail Party, meeting refreshments, and the Friday night dinner. The costs for Friday afternoon golfing will be paid on an individual basis, and the prices will be $35 in total.

A room rate has been secured of:

Thursday, March 24, 2022 and Friday, March 25, 2022

Room Type Single Double Triple Quad

Deluxe King or Deluxe Double Queen $139 $139 $149 $149

An added value package will be added to each guest reservation at $11.95 per night. This added value package includes hot breakfast, 24-hour access to the business center, high-speed wireless internet access throughout the hotel, 24-hour fitness center access, unlimited local and long-distance telephone calls, and usage of the In-room safe with up to $20,000 insurance.

To make your reservations, please call (318) 951-4105, select option #2, and ask for the Third Circuit Judges Conference room block. To receive the group rate, you must identify your affiliation with the Third Circuit Judges Conference at the time you make your reservations. Rates cannot be changed at check-in or check-out for guests who fail to identify their affiliation with the Third Circuit Judges Conference at the time their reservation is made or make a reservation after the block rate has been released. The group rate DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 18, 2022.

You can contact Judge Lala B. Sylvester, or Melanie, at (318) 3570 2209 or melaniefree@cp-tel.net if you have any problems or questions.

Judicial Center resuming normal operations August 31

The Judicial Center will reopen tomorrow, Tuesday, August 31, 2021, for normal business hours/operations.

If you had something scheduled on Monday, August 30, 2021, with Judge Redd in Division A of Family/Juvenile Court, please be present on Tuesday, August 31 at the same time your matter was scheduled on Monday.

A brief reminder that the Judicial Center is under an ongoing masking mandate, and masks are required for all persons entering the building.

14th JDC issues Second Amended Case Management Order for Hurricane Cases

On August 2, 2021, the judges of the 14th JDC issued a Second Amended Case Management Order concerning all Hurricane Cases filed as a result of Hurricanes Laura and Delta. Any affected existing cases, and all newly filed cases, should be familiar with the procedures outlined in the CMO.

A copy of the CMO is available HERE, and also in the “Court Rules” page under “Court Info” in the navigation bar at the top of the website.